A few q's

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A few q's

Post by SimonC » Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:25 am

Hello chaps, I have a few questions about Tenyo's so I thought I'd put them all in one place..

1. Is the magicians finger metal and is the trick much different to what I made with a matchbox and a pair of scissors when I was 6?
2. How much would you say a used knife of the ninja should go for? There's one on eBay for £70 ($112) and it seems a little steep.
3.are there any hidden gems that get overlooked (in your opinion) that it'd be worth me looking out for? I just got money splash this week (thanks again for the instructions john) and I love it! I've never really heard people talk about it before and it gets a bit of a panning on the other blogs.

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David DeTenyo
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Re: A few q's

Post by David DeTenyo » Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:45 am

Hi Simon

1. Again, I don't have my tricks with me (all will be settled end of january ;) ) but this is what I can tell you. I believe it looks and if I remember correctly feels like metal but don't know it is. Also, there is more to it than just your box with a hole at the bottom, more gimmicky Tenyo stuff, as you can see in the routines on Youtube: changing paper into bill, change metal finger in real finger and visa versa.
2. I think around 75 USD is a fair price when in perfect condition, by which I mean no or few scratches on the plastic and gimmick and knife. It is a pretty rare piece thesedays and a good trick. Also customizable to your own currency. From what I have seen the last couple of years a mint in package one is often (more or less) double the value of a used one; the last mint one on Ebay sold for 152,50 USD in july. I sold a used one in perfect condition a year or so ago for 45 EURO/60 USD which I believe was more than reasonable, especially because 'new' Tenyo's like Ghostlamp which are easy available are sold in some shops for more.
3. I've read somewhere the instructions for this trick are not interely correct. I don't know which items you already have. I'll look through the forum and see if you already posted your collection, can't remember if you did sorry - or you can post it here again ;).

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Re: A few q's

Post by SimonC » Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:43 am

I just picked up puzzling queen for £10 which I'm happy with.
£70 does seem a little high for a used kotn, I'll keep searching.
There are a few tricks I'm still looking for, obviously I'd love all of them eventually, but I'm searching mostly for the ones I haven't fully worked out yet. Like mystery china box which is driving me nuts. It's like prison box before I got that, I knew WHAT had to happen for it to work it was just HOW the f@&# it did it!

My list of more recent Tenyo's I'm looking for is...
Miracle thru coin
Magic carpet (just for fun)
Third eye
Balloon illusion
Image generator (is driving me crazy, I just want to know what's on the bloody back!)
Ghost let
Magicians finger
Wild wallet
Cutting edge
Bio shock
Merlin's coffer
Metal matrimony
Menta marvel
Mira metal
Mini zag
Knife of the ninja

There are lots from the older years but I'm less likely to find those in a hurry.
Any thoughts on these?
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