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future of tenyo

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:34 pm
by SimonC
evening chaps.
I was just handing over a fiver at the bar, and thinking to myself "I should probably save this to try out later on my origami tube"
not that I want to perpetuate the stereotype that the queens country is populated by drunks but needless to say I thought otherwise and spent it on the pint I am currently sipping.
anyway, it got me thinking. in our new world of digital money, I wonder how long it will be that tenyo continue to produce 'bill' based tricks, or for that matter credit card ones too. this also got me thinking how potentially amazing tenyo tricks could become over the next 5, 10, 20 etc years, as nanotechnology, smart materials and electronics progress. indeed these things may well blur the line between magic and reality for all of us without being applied to magic mechs. so if this years offerings fall a little flat (which I'm sure they won't, I for one am officially in 'kid at Christmas mode') fear not, the future, I think, is very bright and shiny indeed.
have a cracking Saturday night gents,

Re: future of tenyo

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 3:07 am
by JohnM
Look at Midas Machine. When that came out in 1981 it was a miracle that a small device could print money. But today to have a printer of that size would not be unusual.

Re: future of tenyo

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:34 am
by SimonC
Exactly. I had an open morning at school yesterday, where we show prospective students around with their parents. They spent most of the time staring at the 3d printer with their chins scraping the floor.
I always say to my kids when they don't believe me about all the future technologies I'm showing them, if someone had shown me a video of an iPhone and all it can do when I was at school I'd've said "that's bollocks sir" but lo and behold here it is in my hand.
It's fun telling them that all their games consoles and tech that they think is awesome now is going to look really crappy to their kids and end up in a dusty box in the loft. "You used to have to go out and Bbuy your games from a SHOP?!" "You had to use a CONTROLLER" "so let me get this straight, there were NO HOLOGRAMS?!!"